When I saw that Ben and Jerry's ice-cream went way on sale at Fry's a month or so ago, I let all the kids pick out their very own tub. I think that's pretty generous. :)
Where does the school part come in? Well, while they were eating we watched a documentary about Ben and Jerry and how their company came to be what it is today. I thought it was pretty neat to learn that one of the reasons their ice-cream tastes so heavenly is b/c one of them had some sinus issues and needed a whole lot of flavoring to be able to taste it.
Mmmmm, so what flavors did my 3 ragamuffins pick?
Shiloh--Boston Cream Pie
Lincoln--Chocolate Fudge Brownie
I went with Mullin's choice, too, since they don't sell my favorites at the store. If only I could have Pistachio Pistachio and that Almond Joy one. Oh, now that would really hit the spot!!
Do ever treat yourself to Ben and Jerry's? What is your favorite flavor?
Stopping by from Blog Frog to check out your site. It is really cute. Oh, and on the Ben & Jerry’s, you’re my kind of teacher. LOL. Really, though, that was a great way to get them involved and teach. I think that is important. I am a new follower
I'm a B&J Fudge Brownie fan too! Stopping by from blog frog.
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