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I am so tired of singing the same song and dancing the same dance at the dentist's office.
It has been this way since my very first visit at age 5 or so. I think I am just going to blame it on my genes b/c I don't know anyone more obsessive compulsive about cleaning their teeth!!
In the past I have blamed my weak teeth on the fact that I grew up on modern, nutrient deprived foods such as formula, white breads, canned and processed stuff, convenient, frozen meals with the never ending lists of unpronounceable words, skim milk, etc. Then in my teens I got the brilliant idea of trying out a no fat diet for a while. Nutritious, huh? While I am sure all of these components didn't help the problem, I have come to the conclusion that it wasn't
necessarily the cause.
Why? Well, my brother and sister never seemed to get any cavities as kids. They were eating the same food that I was eating. At least I think they were.
As far as brushing goes, I am a
legalist. Even as a teen, I used the before mouthwash,
Plax, flossed, brushed and used an after mouthwash. Now I am at home all day and brush at least 3 sometimes 4 times a day. I even use the
fluoride rinse that I got from the dentist's office. I also chew the kind of gum that is supposed to help prevent cavities. Mark loves to tease me about my whole teeth cleaning ritual. I actually hate using all of the chemicals that I use for my teeth, but I will do anything to keep from having any more cavities and root canals.
Obviously it isn't working!!!Back to the gene theory. It just isn't fair! My dad never went to the dentist as a kid. He has very healthy teeth that are perfectly straight. So, I guess I didn't inherit a lick of his healthy teeth gene. I remember my mom having quite a few cavities. Don't know if she's had any root canals-- I have had 3 already!!! What I have been told, though, is that my maternal grandmother had an entire set of false teeth by the time she was in her 30's. Yikes! I am trying to look at the bright side and be thankful that I am not having to take my teeth out every night and soak 'em, but I am still a bit miffed about having yet another cavity. Blaming my genes really doesn't make me feel any better, actually worse b/c I feel that I am helpless. Not to mention I have read many articles that suggest there is a relationship between a person's teeth and their overall health. Presently I wonder, am I eating all of this healthy food in vain??
I wonder what my children are thinking? I always tell them to brush their teeth so they won't get cavities. I am sure they have to be quite confused as to why mommy gets them.
Because I am already in a bad mood about the whole thing, don't anybody dare to even mention the possibility of my cavities being related to the fact that I love to eat sweets!!!!!!! :)
Hmmm, now there's a thought. Maybe I could sue all of the companies whose candy I am addicted to. Yeah, it's their fault for making such tasty treats. It shouldn't be my responsibility to use self control at the store when they strategically place the beautifully wrapped packages right next to the check out counter.