In 1952, I just might have sported a do like this one. Wow, I have never seen myself with short hair!!!
1964-- I imagine this as me when I am old or something.
1966--This is my favorite!! Really, if I could pull it off, I'd do it now!
1968-- Seeing myself with this hair style reminds me of my mom for some reason--last pic, too.
1974--Had a difficult time making my face fit. Looks terrible. Makes me thankful for my narrow chin!!
1978--Now this is awesome!!! Always wondered what I'd look like with a fro!

1984--Yikes! How in the world did the feathered look ever stay in style??? Anyone thinkin' Tina Turner here???
1986--Just altogether WRONG!!!!!
1990--Uh,oh. The hair styles are starting to hit closer to home!! Scary, but I remember wearing my hair like this in 8th grade.
1994--Of all the pics, this one hit me the hardest. Brings back so many hair memories. '94 was the year I graduated high school, and I am proud to say that I had forsaken this do a few years back!!!
1996--Very interesting to see me with short, blond hair. Never had either.
1998--Looks like a book landed on my head.

If anyone wants to give this a try, go here. Let me know if you do!