Poetry 3rd Place
Remember Sweetie, a few Saturdays ago, when you were a bit sad about me adding the castle cake set to the garage sale pile? And remember when I said that I would somehow make a different castle for you. (I had no idea how I was going to pull that off, either!)
Well, my not-so-crafty side was awakened, and I managed to recall some curtains stuffed on a shelf in my closet. Oh, and then there was that ribbon I've had in another closet for years. Okay~maybe some scrapbook paper could magically turn into turrets or something.
I was really starting to get a mental picture of how I could transform the diaper changing table/Barbie house in her room into an enchanted dream castle. A castle she decided was going to be for her ponies.
Just look at how happy you are in that picture after I made and helped you set up your "My Little Pony Dream Castle"!
It may not be the snazziest of castles, but it truly was made for YOU with lots of love!!! So glad you are having so much fun with it. :)
I think I was saying something like my blog just ain't what I want it to be!!! So many post plans, so little time. Ahhhhh!
The extra time I had planned for spicing up my blog has been replaced by something else. An unexpected something else. A truly wonderful-opportunity-something else!
As of about 4 months ago, I was invited to become a reviewer for The Old Schoolhouse Magazine and website! It is exciting, challenging and I really do enjoy it. There has been some added stress in my life, I admit. This is the first time since my school days that I have deadlines to meet and papers to write. While I love my new "job" it does take time away from the blog world.
So, that's what I've been up to. Reviewing in my "free" time instead of blogging. Speaking of that, I've got a big one due soon. Better get crackin'!
I hope to get my act somewhat together so I can achieve my bloggy goals, but I will just have to fit it in when I can.
God bless all of you who still read my mindless twaddle!
Sunbutter is made from Sunflower seeds! It looks just like peanut butter and tastes pretty good, too. It's made in a peanut and nut-free facility and is also gluten-free.
This butter is packed with protein, vitamin E and other important vitamins and minerals. And what about FAT? It contains 1/3 less saturated fat than peanut butter!
It's not only a great alternative for kids who have a peanut allergy but also for kids who may go to school and eat lunch in a peanut-free cafeteria. It does taste a bit different than peanut butter, but if you don't tell, they may not even notice. :)
My son with the peanut allergy likes it, and I am so happy that he can now eat one of my very favorite sandwiches from childhood~Sunbutter-Honey & Cheerio sandwiches!! (Well, as a child I ate it with peanut butter, but now I use Sunbutter or almond butter.)
Because Kristen from We Are THAT Family is in Kenya right now, you can visit Rocks in my Dryer for more WFMW tips!