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"Lincoln, something is wrong with the computer, " I heard my daughter say (in her sweetest voice) to her brother while I was upstairs.
"If you put my Lord of the Rings characters away, I'll fix it for you, " he bargained.
"OKAY!" she beamed.
And all was well. Miracle of miracles. :)
I don't know about you, but hearing a sibling conversation like this one is better than a big bag of peanut M&Ms! I usually have to come flying down the stairs all decked out in my black and white striped shirt, whistle hanging around my neck, and wisdom at the ready to be able to solve whatever controversy has sprung up amongst my 3. (Or 2 -- it's usually a battle between my boys.)
Anyway, here is where the
"Works for me Wednesday" comes in. In the midst of daily chaos where oftentimes sibling rivalry abounds, I can forget how important it is to "spur my children on toward love and good deeds."
I think notes from siblings is a simple way for brothers and sisters to show each other that they really are appreciated.I was so touched by my son's willingness (without being asked) to help his sister! When he was out playing later, I mentioned to my daughter that maybe she could make a card expressing her thanks.

Shiloh thought that was a great idea! She had a spread of markers, stamps, paper etc. with which to design her card.
We secretly entered his room, and she placed the card by his pillow. I know my daughter felt good inside about making and giving this card to her brother.
Later, after my son had found the card, he kinda laughed and said fixing the computer was no big deal -- Shiloh had just clicked the wrong thing. He said he got the better deal b/c he didn't have to clean up his toys. Even though he saw it that way, it was a great teaching moment -- I tried to get him to realize that to Shiloh he had become the big brother to save the day!! Fixing the computer problem was huge to her -- it was something she couldn't do, so picking up his toys was a small price to pay. EVERYONE WON, and everyone was happy. Including me!!
Sibling Notes work for me ~ siblings getting along works for me! Siblings showing appreciation works for me!! How do your kids show their appreciation for one another?
*For more WFMW tips, visit We are THAT Family.