Last summer my daughter and I hosted a book club for a few of my daughter's homeschool friends between the ages of 9-12. The book club turned out to be super fun, and all the girls seemed to enjoy participating. Remarkable, by Lizzie K. Foley, was the fourth and final book the girls read. I've already posted discussion questions and activity ideas for two of the other books: RUMP: The True Story of Rumpelstiltskin, and The Fairy's Mistake if you are interested in checking those out as well.
Remarkable was my daughter's favorite book out of the four books the girls (and I) read. Remarkable is a town in which everyone who lives there is, well, remarkable. All of Remarkable's inhabitants are gifted with extraordinary talents except for poor, plain, old Jane Doe. When Jane finds herself in a classroom with only 2 other classmates who happen to be nefarious twins, and when a mysterious pirate seems to be causing trouble for the town, her life becomes a little less ordinary. To what lengths will Jane go in order to save her town? Find out by reading the book, and then download the following discussion questions for free!
Remarkable Discussion Questions & Activity Ideas (Click title do download and print.)
Below is a screen shot of the questions - red markings are not in the free printable. No need to have a book club to answer the discussion questions. ;) Enjoy!
Remarkable Food Fun
I used regular Fig Newtons for Figgy Doodles, Lucky the Lake Monster's favorite treat.
I bought little Twist Lemon Lime sodas for Fizzy Drinks.
I spread 2 different types of jelly on bread cut out in flower shapes in honor of the jelly scandal, "one of Remarkable's most vexing problems." The flower shapes didn't really have anything to do with the story. I just did it to make it prettier. :)
All the girls had to taste both kinds of jelly and vote for their favorite kind. Munch's was better in the book, but I think most girls agreed that the jelly I labeled "Remarkable" tasted better. No surprise, either, since it was homemade by my friend who happens to be the mom of 2 of the book club girls. She makes such amazing jam!!!!
If you need the book, it is available on Amazon. We used the hardback version, but there is a paperback as well. Any page numbers referenced in the discussion questions will correspond to the hardback.
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