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It is almost Christmas baking time again!
Although spending countless hours in the kitchen isn't exactly my favorite thing to do, I absolutely love baking up lots of holiday goodies. There are a few favorites that stay on the menu no matter what, but I try to make a few new things, too. So, I am asking all of you to submit your very favorite Christmas recipe by either leaving it in my comments section or by using Mr.
Linky at the end of this post. I am really looking forward to getting some new recipes to try, so don't let me down!!
Every Christmas, my siblings and I would look forward to decorating my mom's sugar cookie cut outs. I now know from experience that making these cookies is no easy task, but I am glad she put forth the effort year after year. It was a tradition passed down from her mom, and ever since I have been on my own, I have made these cookies every December as well. I even use the very same cookie cutters my grandmother used. Lots of great memories! Now my kids look forward to making these very same cookies.
Prize Sugar Cookies1-1/2 c. sugar
1 cup butter
1 TBS vanilla
1 tsp salt
3 eggs
1/2 c. milk
4 c. all purpose flour
1 heaping tsp. baking powder
1 level tsp. baking soda, dissolved in a little water
Mix in large bowl, sugar, butter, eggs, milk, vanilla and baking soda. In small bowl, mix flour, baking powder and salt. Slowly add flour mixture to large bowl, stirring thoroughly until all flour mixture is added. Refrigerate at least 1 hour, overnight is better. Roll out and cut into shapes. Bake @ 350 degrees for 8-10 minutes. ( I do not like mine very brown.) *When rolling out dough, you will need to add flour as needed to keep dough from sticking.*
Frost and decorate. Taste best with home made frosting, not store bought. We just use powdered sugar,butter, milk and vanilla.
Several years ago a friend gave me a Christmas
goodie bag filled with Oreo Cookie Balls. I was totally hooked just after one bite! They are so delicious, and I have made them every year since then. Everyone who tastes these delectable truffles just has to have the recipe--oh, and it's
soooo easy! (The photo in upper left corner shows the Oreo Cookie Balls happily resting in a bowl of Christmas M&Ms) I bet Paula
Deen's mouth would even say, "WOW!" to this recipe.
Oreo Cookie Balls1 package regular
oreo cookies, crushed
1 8 oz. package cream cheese, softened
1 lb. white bark candy coating, found in baking isle
chocolate jimmies, optional
Mix crushed cookies and softened cream cheese to form a stiff dough. Form into balls. With a fork, dip
oreo balls into melted, white candy coating covering completely. Place on waxed paper and sprinkle with chocolate jimmies. Let dry at room temp.
Another favorite I have enjoyed since I was a little girl! This is the best fudge ever!!
Fantasy Fudge3 cups sugar
1-1/2 sticks butter
1 5 oz can evaporated milk (about 2/3 cup)
1 package chocolate chips or 12 squares semi sweet baking chocolate chopped
1-1/2 cups marshmallow
crème1 tsp vanilla
1cup walnuts chopped if desired
Heat sugar, butter and
evap. milk to full rolling boil in heavy saucepan on med. Heat, stirring constantly. Boil on med. Heat until candy thermometer reaches 234 degrees, stirring constantly to prevent scorching, about 4 minutes. Remove from heat.
Stir in chocolate and marshmallow
crème until melted, stir in vanilla and walnuts.
Spread immediately in foil-lined 9 inch square pan. Cool at room temp. at least 4 hours, cut into squares. Store in airtight container. (Fudge can even be stored in freezer.)
Now it is time for you to send me your yummy Christmas recipes. If you're not familiar with using Mr.
Linky, here's how it works. Post your recipe on your own blog. After that click on the time at the end of your post to get the exact URL of your recipe post. Copy that URL by right clicking. Come back to my blog, type in your name and include the name of your recipe, then type your URL in the correct box by right clicking your mouse and choosing paste. Then press enter. That should do it! Thanks!! This feature will enable lots of folks to read and hopefully make your recipe!!
**Make sure you link back to my post :)