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I absolutely love making smoothies. I think I have finally got the basic ingredients down, so that the consistency is just the way I like it!
I concocted this smoothie for a recipe contest that I plan to enter. I dedicate it to my sweet daughter, Shiloh, who brings out the fairy and all things girlie in me!!
You will need:
1 jar Santa Cruz Organic Berry Nectar
1 frozen banana
11 frozen blackberries
1 cup frozen strawberries
1 cup Brown Cow Vanilla Cream Top yogurt
1 cup ice
2 TBSP whole ground
flax seed meal
** I added the ingredients to a blender in the following order-- blackberries, strawberries, banana, yogurt, Berry Nectar (which I filled to the 5 cup line),
flax seed and then finally the ice. Just blend until smooth. I like to stick the whole blender jar in the freezer for about 10-15 min. to thicken it just a tad and to make it really cold. (For the fruit, I used fresh and put it all in the freezer.)
I can't wait to invent many more of these tasty treats!