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We went on our very first family vacation over Thanksgiving weekend. Here we are, all packed and ready to go!

Most people think of Arizona as one big, hot, dry, barren desert, and where we live that is true. What some may not know is that there are lots of green places, too, even areas where it gets really cold! Flagstaff is one of those places, and it's way up in the mountains where pine trees and evergreens abound.
We took the 31/2 hour scenic route on the way up, and it was just breathtaking.

Friday evening after dinner (it was nice not having to cook, but taking 3 kids out to eat all weekend was a lot of work!) we went to the Lowell Observatory. That's the place where Pluto was discovered. We all got to gaze at an exploding star many light years away through an amazingly powerful telescope. It was really neat and worth the long wait in line where we had to stand outside in the freezing cold. What a great field trip for the boys since we are already studying astronomy this year. I think it is so sad that places like this don't give God all the glory.

The earth and the heavens are amazing to study, and I am so glad that I can just sit back and marvel at God's creation instead of wondering where it all came from or how it all began. I get teary sometimes just reading my child's science book. Probably weird but true.

This is a lookout on the way to the Observatory. It was so neat looking down at the town below.

The same lookout during the day
Saturday morning we took the kids to a museum. They enjoyed it for about 10 minutes. After looking at real dinosaur bones, viewing sloth poop, and touching meteorites they were pretty much done. Fortunately there was a nature trail right outside. Of course, the boys loved it!!

Mullin climbed every rock he could find.

Pretending to find some shelter for the night.

Poor Shiloh couldn't wear shoes due to her blistered heel. We had to carry that heavy little princess everywhere we went!

Linclon cracks me up-- he loved striking all sorts of hiking poses!

Daddy, Mommy and Shiloh

Our last night there, we went to a charming little restaurant in an old hotel. With a cozy fire in the background the atmosphere was so perfect, and the food delicious.
All in all we had a fun time, but it was a lot of work. Sleeping in the same room with the kids wasn't exactly my cup of tea, but I had my sleeping pills, my fan, and earplugs to help me cope. The very loud train whistles would wake the kids up all throughout the night, too.
I am glad, though, that we went. Good memories made!!