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Summer's here and eventually we moms will hear the ever familiar whines from our spoiled (I mean sweet) kids, "Mom, I'm bored!" :)
While we do have many fun things planned for summer, everyday can't be a party and being stuck inside during triple digit temps. out here in the desert can bring on those boredom blues. But, I can usually hush them up with threats of chores if they continue to hassle me!!!
So, what are some ways we ragamuffins ease the blues of boredom? Well, for starters we got out a piece of construction paper and a marker and made a list of things the kids could to do around the house that don't involve my help. Then, I hung it up on our dry erase board, so they could easily consult the list. The list includes simple things like: play a board game, play with little sister, watch cartoons, play computer/X-box games, draw or do art, read a book, do summer workbook pages, help with extra chores, etc... The last 3 items mentioned bring me to my next point for this special, themed Works for me Wednesday.
Inspired by the Harry Potter books, we have a "house point" system. I am sure many of you are familiar with the 4 houses of Hogwarts: Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, and Hufflepuff. Well, we decided as a family to name "our house" Stormcrow after the dearest of wizards, Gandalf. Yes, we are all die hard Lord of the Rings fans as well!! Anyway, all throughout the year my kids can earn house points for various things, but this summer I have decided to add an incentive to earn even more points. I am hoping this will help keep them busy and out of my hair while I try to get some things done. (I home school, so it is imperative that I make wise use of my time off!!)

Here's what they have to do to earn those extra points, which will help them reach 300 points by summer's end. (They can redeem 300 points for a trip to Chuck E. Cheese.) I guess I should mention here, too, that during the year they can turn in 100 points for a certain reward or wait until they reach 200 points for an even better reward. Any time they choose to use their points, we start over at 0. Okay, with that out of the way I will move on.
I have bought a workbook for each of my boys and they can receive 1 point for each completed page. Each workbook has over 75 pages. For each novel that my almost 9 year old reads, he earns 5 house points. For each easy reader that my 6 1/2 year old reads, he earns 2 points. For extra chores I will give points based on performance. So, hopefully with those incentives, my boys (daughter is still too young to participate) will choose to earn points instead of choosing to bug me to death!!
**My kids can also earn 5 points for each Bible verse they memorize over the summer. Our aim is 1 per week.
The House Point system has definitely worked for our family, so hopefully it will work for yours, too! I would love to know what your "house name" would be if you choose to use this idea!!
Please visit Rocksinmydryer for more tips on keeping your kids occupied during the summer.