Sunday, May 28, 2006

Another Shiloh?

Pin It Now! I just read that someone famous has just named their new baby girl, Shiloh. I am not exactly fond of the Hollywood couple that stole our daughter's name!!! I like being a little original with naming our kids--not very in to old fashioned names and such. Thank goodness I had the name picked out before Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie did because I probably would have had to change it. It is my guess, though, that they didn't have the same inspiration as I did for naming her Shiloh. I must adimit it is a beautiful name!!!!


Anonymous said...

We're actually condidering getting a few Laotian babies, just to even things up a bit in the ongoing feud between Mr. and Mrs. ragamuffinwriter and the Pitts.

HONEY said...

Bet your Shiloh is cuter than their Shiloh! Ha! :-)

Anonymous said...

Only in my dreams. In reality, I have Jack Black's Nacho Libre abs.

Anonymous said...

There is and always will be only one "Princess Shiloh"!!!!!


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