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Don't panic! It isn't December yet--still just the middle of November, but we are a little excited about putting up our decorations this year since we weren't able to at all last year. My mom has wonderful decorations, but it just isn't the same when they are not your own!! I usually like to wait until after Thanksgiving, but really, putting up decor a little at a time is a lot less stressful, at least for me anyway.

We even turned on some Christmas tunes, and Shiloh wanted to dance with Daddy. Oh that face--it's adorable!

Lincoln was in charge of putting on the very top part of the tree.

Daddy and Mullin check to see if the colored lights still work. Most of our white lights didn't. The ones that did, Mark decided to put on a tree outside.

Silly Shiloh. Lincoln calls her "Samanthaclaus". I have no idea why? She is cute whatever her name is, though!

Lincoln holds the chair still while Daddy strings the lights around our tree out front. Mullin helps with light hanging. What a team. Momma's inside giving Shiloh her bath.

That's it for now. Will post more as we continue the decorating process...
My husband won't let me touch Christmas decorations until after Thanksgiving. At least I can listen to Christmas music any time of the year.
how wonderful is that? I love the "family working together" part more than the decor!!!!
I am so ready to put mine up, but not PHYSICALLY ready, just mentally. We will do it Thanksgiving weekend. ALL OF US! WOO HOO!
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