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This pumpkin vine is from one seed. Looks nice and healthy from here, but all of my baby pumpkin buds kept turning yellow and shriveling up. I was getting a bit frustrated with it, especially after my squash and
zucchini did so well this summer. After about 10 of my buds fell off, I almost ripped the whole thing out, but for some reason I decided to just leave it alone.

While watering a few days ago, I spotted this!!!
Yay!!! Maybe this one will stick around. Isn't it cute?!
So I didn't kill it when I was cleaning up the dead bird?
Yes, it is VERY cute!!! Nice baby pumpkin!
Are you still getting squash and zucchini, or is that over with? And if you are, would you be interested in a recipe for a very delicious 'squash pickle?' Or pickled squash as some people call it. They taste just like the most yummy bread & butter pickles!! And are not hard to make! I keep hoping someone around here at work will bring in an excess of squash and/or zucchini that I can make some with, but no one has yet. Might have to resort to the grocery store for some, or maybe the farmers market on Saturday.
AJ--I pulled up the zucchini and squash about a month ago. All I have right now is the pumpkin plant, so I guess I need to do some research on how to use pumpkin for cooking. I am used to buying it in a can. I intentionally bought the kind of pumpkins for eating not carving, but I honestly don't know how to cook one to use for baking. Have any suggestions?
Lincoln found another one yesterday.
No suggestions right off the top of my head, but I'm sure I could easily find some, in my 'kitchen library!' I'll look!
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