Saturday, August 22, 2009

Barbie House--Sort Of

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Since Shiloh's diaper changing table didn't sell in 2 garage sales, I decided to put it back into her room as a barbie house. I say that lightly because I haven't done a thing to it except arrange the barbie furniture that Shiloh's great grandma made. Shiloh likes it, though, and that is all that matters! :)

I am not sure what exactly it is that I would like to do to it. I do have some ideas: maybe stick some wallpaper on the shelves, somehow attach curtains so they can be opened and closed?? Anyone have any ideas? CHEAP ideas for someone who has very little cash and very little experience in craftiness?? Hopefully some ideas that don't involve any tools, unless maybe a screw driver?? I am so not a tool kind of gal. :)

Seriously, I would love some ideas, so please share!

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