Inspired by the book that I am currently reviewing, Flourish: Balance for Homeschool Moms, I decided to write a Day-In-the-Life-Of post. I guess this will make more sense if you read the book or read my review that I am posting tomorrow.
Anyway, since it is toward the end of summer at the moment, a typical day in my stay-at-home-mom life looks quite different from a typical day during my homeschool year. ;) So, here it is: just an ordinary summer day from last Tuesday July 15, 2014. The rules I am following for this post are simple - I am sharing what my day was really like, not necessarily how I planned it to be or how I wanted it to be. Beware, it's pretty boring. Nothing spectacular in the least.
Well, I got up around 6 a.m. which is typical for me since I don't like to sleep in, and I read my daily devotion in my NIV Homeschool Mom's Bible: Daily Personal Encouragement
. I made my bed which I also do every single day right after I get up, and even though I didn't write it down, I know I checked my email, Facebook, and other social media because I usually do that bright and early, too.
After that, I did some stretching in order to prepare for a brief time of exercise. My usual exercise routine consists of running up and down the stairs, doing push-ups, calf raises, sit-ups, and a few other things. I don't do all of those techniques every day, and honestly, I only exercise about 4 times a week for about 30 minutes at a time. When it's not so hot outside, my hubby and I also take evening walks, but right now it's pretty much too hot for that in the Arizona desert!
Feeling energized, I quickly posted a recipe on my blog before heading out to the backyard to water my basil and flower garden boxes. I came back inside to take a shower and put on some makeup so I could run some errands with my daughter. We went to Wal-Greens (I had an unhealthy craving for Vanilla Coke), Wal-Mart, and the library.
After we came home, I immediately got to work cleaning up our loft. We're in the middle of transitioning where we keep homeschool stuff, and the day before, I'd moved our main homeschool bookshelf/cabinet into my oldest son's room. So, the loft still had a big mess on the floor that I needed out of there!
Once the mess was out of the loft (and in my room), I read a chapter in the book I mentioned above, vacuumed and cleaned my middle son's mini blinds and window, and then finally sat down and relaxed with a game of Plants vs. Zombies - Vase Breaker Endless.
My kids were getting hungry for lunch, so I whipped up some eggs and sausage with a side of fruit. After cleaning up the kitchen, I did piano lessons with my daughter, started working on a Schoolhouse review, and watched an economics lesson with my oldest son.
I worked some more on a review before taking another break to play a Plants vs. Zombies co op with my daughter, which we won by the way. :) I squeezed in some dinner prep by scrubbing potatoes and putting them in the oven to bake. While the potatoes were baking, I worked on my review again. About 45 minutes later, I stopped to fix a salad and to finish getting dinner ready.
Dad came home from work, and we ate dinner together as a family. We cleaned up the kitchen, and yet again, I went back to my laptop to work on that review.
I've been reading through the Bible with my kids this year, and over the summer, we switched from reading in the morning to reading at night. We gathered in the loft and read from the Psalms and Isaiah, the two books we've been working through for the past couple of months. We talked and prayed, and then before calling it a night, I hate to admit it, but I played one last game of Plants vs. Zombies.
It's very unusual that I didn't spend some time reading fiction that day, but I've been saving some books for a very long upcoming 17 hour drive. Yikes.
If you've made it to the end of this post without falling asleep or exiting out, congratulations, you now know how I spent one of my summer days. :)
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