If you have boys, chances are you've got Hot Wheels. Hot Wheels and boys just go together, don't they? My brother played with them when he was little (and so did I), and my own two boys played with them when they were cute little things.
A few months ago, my daughter needed a couple of cars for a science experiment that involved magnets. Lincoln, one of her older brothers, generously shared what I believe are the last two Hot Wheels left from my boys' childhood. (Um, they sort of demolished their car collection by lining them up in the street in our old neighborhood and waiting for unsuspecting vehicles to run them over. I am not recommending this as a productive childhood activity, just so you know.)
Anyway, doing this project made me think of how fun this would be for little boys. It might be fun for bigger boys to do this with some of their old cars, too. As you probably can already tell, it's a super easy project.
What You'll need: Hot Wheels
I used a mini hot glue gun sort of like the one pictured above.
As far as magnets go, I used the circle kind that come in a little package at Wal-Mart. The magnets I used work great as long as I don't use the car magnets to hold up any artwork or other paper. If you want functional magnets that serve as a paper-holding device, you may want to check into purchasing the kind of magnets pictured below:
I haven't ever used these kinds of magnets but have heard that they are pretty powerful. I think I remember our science book saying so. ;)
What You'll Do: Turn Hot Wheels upside down and hot glue the magnets of your choice onto the bottoms of the cars. In a few seconds, they're ready to hang on the fridge!
Warning: Probably not a good project to do if you're afraid that your little ones might swallow the magnets. I can't imagine that being a pleasant experience.
Sharing on WFMW, Funtastic Friday
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