Wizzy Gizmo. It's a fun name to say isn't it? I bet you're wondering who or what in the world that is! Well, Wizzy Gizmo is a Who and a What.
First of all, he's a genius inventor who loves God and the Bible. He's not exactly a wizard, but he's a wiz when it comes to technology. He likes to use his skills to create awesome gizmos.
Wizzy Gizmo is also a series of interesting Bible books designed to help kids ages 4-12 explore the Bible through audio dramas, books, and flashcards. These resources can help parents, Sunday School teachers, etc. to faithfully teach the Bible and carry out the command given to the Israelites in Deuteronomy 6:5-6.
The Schoolhouse Review Crew had the privilege of reviewing several of these products. My family received the Fast Track Bible Pack: New Testament flashcards recommended for ages 2 and up.
The Fast Track Bible Pack: New Testament flashcards are a great tool for introducing the New Testament books of the Bible to children since the cards include summaries and themes. You can continue to refer to them as you read and study each book since the backs of the cards contain other key information.
On the front of each 5x9 flashcard, you'll find a summary of one of the books in the New Testament, a Bible verse, and the theme at the bottom. On the right-hand side of each card, you'll see several important facts beginning with the card number. Below the card number are the number of chapters in the book, a brief statement about the author of the book, and the date in which the book was written.
The back of each card is divided into five sections after the title of the book. The title also includes the theme and another quick fact about the author or the book. The five sections are as follows:
- Outline
- Key Chapters
- Key Passages
- Key Doctrines
- Key People
Currently, my children and I are in the middle of reading through the Bible, so we've been using the flashcards each time we begin another book in the New Testament. Before we start, I read the information on the front of the appropriate flashcard. So far we've read the First Timothy, Second Timothy, Titus, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John flashcards as a family.
I haven't really been emphasizing the information on the backs of the cards, except for the Key People section, because our focus has been reading through the Bible this year not intense study. However, for my daughter's memory verses for the next few weeks, we are utilizing the Scripture references relating to forgiveness on the back of the Luke card. My daughter is also using the flashcards to write the names of the New Testament books in order along with their themes. If she couldn't already say the NT books in order without looking, this would be a great way to memorize them.
The flashcards are perfect for kids because they're colorful and pack in a lot of important information without going in to too much detail. Plus, they're a great tool for kids to use to dig a little deeper when reading the Bible, especially if the information isn't readily available in a Bible that they own. Knowing what each NT book is about, who wrote it, and why it was written can aid in overall comprehension. If older children want to know more about a certain concept, they can refer to Key Doctrines and study more in-depth. There are lots of suggestions on the website for using the cards with different age groups.
I haven't decided how I am going to store the flashcards yet. I thought about keeping them on a key ring, but there really isn't enough room on the cards to punch holes without interfering with words on the backs of the cards. That would bother me. I think it would be handy if the cards came in their own little box or already pre-punched on a key ring.
Overall, these New Testament Bible Summary Flashcards are a convenient Bible study tool for kids. They can be purchased for $14.99.
Want to save up to 10% off your order? Share Wizzy Gizmo with your friends and earn 2% for each share. Details on the website.
To read more about these flashcards and other Wizzy Gizmo products, click the banner below.
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Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/wizzygizmo
Twitter: https://twitter.com/wizzygizmo
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Vimeo: http://vimeo.com/wizzygizmo
1 comment:
I love seeing how you used the cards with your daughter! Isn't it nice to have the themes lined out?!
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