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My mom came in town for Spring Break, and we had so much fun! I love spending time with her, and of course, so do the kids. She hadn't held Shiloh since she was born, and now that same little baby is clapping,laughing, and trying to walk and talk. While my days seem slow going, the past 8 months have flown by way too fast. Today I am feeling a little blue because she left early this morning. I always hate that achey heart feeling I get when she leaves. Mark was so sweet to let me spend so much time with her.

During her stay she was attacked by Leonardo and Donatello! Turtle Power!!!!

The boys had fun playing lots of games with Grandma. She also brought some cool dinosaurs and dinosaur books to read. They have fun playing bug tricks on each other!! I am sure the boys really enjoyed their trip to Toys R Us where Lincoln picked out Ninja Turtle stuff and Mullin Lord of the Rings stuff. Grandma picked out a Carebear for Shiloh--Hopeful Heart Bear. Very cute!

My mom was also in on the surprise birthday party Mark had been planning for me!! I am so glad she got to be a part of it. I was totally clueless. I had great fun! Thanks Babe! Thanks everyone who came!
i like your tiara =)
Sorry I missed your b'day party, hope it was fun! Glad you had a nice visit w/your Mom! :-)
Your husband is HOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow, I'm really honored to be part of your blog, thanks for sparing the pictures of me where I look like I need medication! I miss you so much. Playing bug tricks and being attacked by turtles was some of the best fun!!
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