Lincoln offered to "help" Daddy plant the trees. Great memories!
Oh, and I am tickled pink about all the baby oranges on our orange tree! I hope they all survive the desert winds this spring. If so, we will pick our very first orange from our very own tree in December.
We are contemplating planting a lime or lemon tree out front--the kind that produces all year round. And as soon as I get some compost to mix in with my dirt, my garden box, built by my hubby, will be ready for me to plant seeds. So far I have cucumber, onion and pumpkin (the pie making kind, not the carving kind). Still deciding what else to plant. Need to hurry before it is too late!!!!

I love fruit trees and I know how you have been wanting them for such a long time. I guess peaches don't grow in Arizona?
I was eating a lemon one day a decided to see what would happen if I put the seeds in some dirt. Five years later I had a lemon tree that was 6 feet tall. We even moved that lemon tree from K'ville to Cinci to Memfo where I finally left it in Lakeland. It never produced any lemons but it did produce some nasty 3 inch woody thorns. The leaves smelled really nice if you rubbed them - just like a lemon pez!
Mark is looking almost as skinny as Nathan!
Your post makes me sad.... The summer before we moved I planted two apple trees, two plum trees, and a cherry tree. We moved before any of them produced fruit. I think that is what I miss most about our home in SD. I was never able to taste the fruit.
Oh a lemon tree - think of all the lemonade you'd have. Yummy!
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