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I was disappointed about having to stay home from church with a sick child yesterday. I wanted to be in service, especially during worship. I wanted to be there to watch my hubby play his new guitar! He's been playing the same one for the past 18 years or so. I am sure he could tell you down to the exact day.
Truly, I was disappointed, too, that God didn't answer my prayer for my daughter to be completely well by Sunday. She was mostly well but was still coughing too much to be in a classroom full of other kids.
Fortunately, God knows me better than I know myself. What I really needed was to stay home.
For the past few weeks, I've felt rising tension deep within my spirit. A growing desire for peace and quiet - some much needed alone time. I need to be completely alone every once in a while for a refreshing of mind and soul!
Sunday provided a hint of that need for alone time for me. Time in the Word, time spent cleaning, time spent on a cute, easy project with my daughter. I could tell already that a sense of calm was beginning to settle over me.
But, I knew I needed more.
I don't think we have ever taken the day off of school for President's Day, and I wasn't planning on it for today. BUT, since my hubby is off, I asked him if he would take the kids out of the house for a couple of hours. So, my awesome hubby is giving me the gift of alone time today, and I am very thankful!
It's a gorgeous day. The window is open allowing a slight breeze to wander in, and I am breathing in deeply savoring the silence. :) No voices, no drums, no Minecraft music . . . it's wonderful!
Happy Presiden't Day everyone!
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