5 Days of Homeschooling Essentials Day 2: Couch Time
Couch Time. It's what I affectionately call the time that my kids and I spend together every morning from 8:30 - 9:30. And, well, we're all on the couch.
This time is absolutely essential in our homeschool. During this time we:
- Read the Bible together
- Pray
- Read aloud another book of some sort - mostly novels
- Discuss homeschool or other family related stuff
Couch time is very important especially now that 2 of my kids are older and do most of their homeschooling on their own. With three kids all three grades apart, it's really quite difficult to do school together. One is in high school, one is in middle school, and one is in elementary school. In fact, this is the first year all three of them are studying different things in science and history. My two who are in middle and elementary school do Spanish together, and that's it. My how the time has flown. *Sigh*
You'd think with homeschooling kids would always be together, however that is just not the case in our family. Once couch time is over, they pretty much go their separate ways until we meet again at lunchtime. That's why I think it's crucial to have a certain time every day that we spend together doing the same thing. I am glad that it works out for us to have that together time in the morning, but anytime would work as long as togetherness was a priority every day.
Some of my fondest homeschool memories revolve around reading fiction books to my kids! Because I've spent countless hours reading aloud to my kids on the couch, I thought I'd share a few of my favorite read-alouds:
The Dragon of Lonely Island
The Hobbit
Tuck Everlasting
The Magician's Nephew
Ella Enchanted (This one I read aloud to my daughter only ~ definitely a favorite!)
The Invention of Hugo Cabret
Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone
Is spending homeschool time together essential for you, too? How do you incorporate together time in your day?
Be sure and visit the Schoolhouse Review Crew! 89 bloggers are participating in the Homeschooling Essentials Blog Hop. Below is just a sampling of some great insights you will find . . .
Lisa @ A Rup Life
Jordyn @ Almost Supermom
Jenn @ Teaching Two Stinkers
Crystal @ Crystal Starr Blog
Jennifer @ Chestnut Grove Academy {Giveaways here this week}
Wendy @ Simplicity Breeds Happiness
Jodi @ Insane in the Mombrain
Kym @ Homeschool Coffee Break
Lynn @ Ladybug Chronicles
{affiliate links included in this post}
what a sweet way to start each day and get the kids together! In our homeschool, this is the first year we haven't had a regular read-aloud time together, but we still do a couple of subjects together.
What a great reminder to grab as much time as we can to spend time with our kids. I hear you about them going their separate ways once school starts. Now that I have a graduate/adult in the house, we rarely are all in the house at the same time.. Great post!
We don't do ours on the couch, but the time we have to all spend together before everyone is off to his or her own work is my favorite time too. :-)
We do lots of read alouds and such, but I usually am in my recliner, you've inspired me to move over on the couch so the kids can cuddle with me :)
Our couch is a center in our homescooling too. Really enjoying reading your series.
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