Tuesday, January 14, 2014

What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus?

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I have often heard my husband say that humanly speaking Jesus was the worst church builder there ever was. Jesus didn't tickle people's ears or say whatever it took to get people to follow Him. He always spoke absolute truth which, indeed, offended many. Some folks who started out following Jesus ended up turning away because they thought the cost was just too high and His ways too hard.

With Jesus it's all or nothing. He's not looking for halfhearted followers. You're either wholly His or not His at all.

Well, last week I revealed that my word for 2014 is FOLLOW, and what better way to kick off the new year than with a message on what it means to follow Jesus.

My husband had the privilege of giving the first sermon of the year at our church, and it really spoke to my heart, especially since I am focusing so much on the very word, follow. He titled his sermon, What Does It Mean to Follow Jesus? He explained that following Jesus means that there will be a life to hate, a cross to bear, a tower to build, and a war to fight. If you'd like to listen, just follow the link.

Be blessed!

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