Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Under Construction

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Image courtesy of Craftyjoe/

Most bloggers are excited to reveal a new name or blog design, but not me. I am miserably lacking in the web-design-talent area. (My money tree isn't bearing fruit right now either, so . . . yeah.) Maybe one day html and all things techy will click, but it is NOT this day.

Anyway, as some of you have probably noticed, my blog does have a new name, Brandi Raae (that's me). It was formerly known as Autumnfawn Lane, but I decided to change it, and because my blog doesn't really have an overall theme like cooking, furniture makeovers, parenting, etc., a "catch all" title just wasn't happening.

So, let me reintroduce myself, "Hi, I'm Brandi Raae, and I blog about anything and everything."

My very nice hubby also bought me my own domain, so my new address is :)

Now, when you change your name and blog address, you need a new header, right? Sounds easy, and I know for some it is easy. Oh snap, not for me. I've played around with a few different header designs trying so hard to get the size, color, and whatever else right, and after a while, I got tired of doing it over and over again. Grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.

I also tried fixing up my template, and that didn't end so well. I lost all my little tab things that go under the header. After that, I called it quits before I ended up losing my entire blog. As a reviewer for TOS, that just CANNOT happen. If it did, I would most definitely have to move to Australia!

Last night as I was reading in bed, hubby (that nice guy who bought me a domain), came in to show me that he'd been working on adding tabs back to my blog. He also sat with me for a while to help me start "cleaning" things up a bit. Truly a sacrifice since he really needed to be working on some of his other very important jobs.

Thanks for taking time out to help me, Babe!

Now what? Well, my blog is still under construction because it will take me a while to work on it. It will be a one brick here, one brick there sort of thing. Ya know, when I have a few seconds between homeschooling, chores, cooking, reviewing awesome products, writing blog posts, and all that mom stuff!  (One day, I will get my header right!)

I will still be regularly posting, so dear readers, please bear with me!

Thanks, you guys are awesome.

P.S. Feel free to give any tips, suggestions, constructive criticism, or words of encouragement. ;)


Unknown said...

I'm kooking at your blog from my phone and it looks good. I like the header with your name and butterflies. Nice and fresh! And aren't those techy husbands of ours wonderful?! I know everything will end up turning out. =)

Unknown said...

Okay, I obviously didn't proof that. I'm LOOKING, not kooking. =P

Brandi said...

Thanks, Adriel. :)


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