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speckled eggs!!! I know some of you are saying, "huh?" But, I am the boring, mess-free, easy-clean-up mom. This year, though, I let the boys do something besides just dunking the eggs into colored water. With special "egg glue" and different colored foil paper, we made eggs that looked like magical, dragon eggs. Lots of fun and not too messy.
Mullin and Lincoln are putting their creative minds to work and having a great time!

This was Shiloh's very first time to decorate eggs. Grandma was here to help, and after the eggs were done, we all went to our favorite pizza place,
Great project, looks like they are having heaps of fun. Yes I'd never heard of Flat Stacy before myself - but she is related to Flat Stanley, who I'd also never heard of. I must try to get hold of one of these books myself, they sound good.
I'm with you on the no mess kids get to have NO FUN!! Great looking eggs and very brave indeed.
I am a mess-free, boring, easy clean up, hate doing craft kind of mom also - and I homeschool so I think there must be something wrong with me as I see other homeschooling moms getting down and dirty.
We braved the Easter egg thing this year also, but I had an older friend of my young daughter helping her so I was able to stay away from the mess until they were done. :)
Hey what's with the no mess thing? Kids are born to be messy! It's what they do! God made 'em "wash n wear" so a little mess won't hurt them. Good on ya being brave enough to let them make make a mess & have some fun. Kids do not care if you have the tidiest house on the block, but you can bet they will remember the fun times they had...and that often involves messiness, so make a mess & make some memories! They don't stay little long!
Definitely--having kids means having messes--they go hand in hand.:)
But I do know my limits.
For me personally, too much mess and too much noise can have a negative effect on my nerves. I make no apology for being the kind of mom who can't handle having a cluttered home, sticky kids,regular play dough and paint sessions, etc...
I know in order for things to go smoothly I have to schedule these things!!
Sadly, as I am quicly realizing, babies don't stay babies for long, but I have no regrets in the memory making department. I hope the many hours spent reading and cuddling my kids will make up for my lack of mess-making projects.:)
They have plenty of grandparents' houses to make messes in. He,he!!
Sorry, I too am a no-mess-mama. No easter egg dying here - we have carpet everywhere!
Playdough and Moon Sand is allowed outside on the porch only.
I just finally got to your posts, you are making me miss home sooooo much! Especially when you mention BARRO'S PIZZA!
oh how I miss you my little AZ!
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