Yes, Mark has a job working for the county. It is an answer to prayer, and we are incredibly thankful. The job we thought he was going to have to settle for, would have really turned our family topsy-turvy! Less pay, but long hours, crazy schedules, working ALL holidays, working some weekends,even Sundays, oh the list goes on, so I am so glad this county job came along. I couldn't have imagined him not being home on Thanksgiving and Christmas!!!!! Working for the government will mean being off on tons of holidays--yea!
Home schooling with Daddy here became easier as time went on, but it was still a bit more challenging to keep the boys' attention. I did like it when Daddy would entertain Shiloh while I schooled the boys. She quickly became his little pet!!
Now, all has not completely returned to normal, and that is why I added the sort-of part. We are not having a normal Monday, for Mullin is under the weather, and I had a low-grade temp. yesterday. I decided the best thing for all of us would be to pretty much take the day off. I just feel as if that tornado I have been caught up in has suddenly stopped and dropped me to the floor leaving me a lifeless, crumpled heap of flesh.
Also, financially speaking, we will not be returning to normal. God has basically taken a very sharp ax and has chopped our salary, well, by A LOT! He has proven during these past few weeks that He will provide, so I am still trying to trust that He will continue to do so.
I am still trying to take in all that has happened to us this past month. I am still speechless over all the help being poured out on our family. Seriously, groceries were provided, bills were paid for (even our house payment!!), and a dear person even gave us money so we could buy our kids Christmas presents. Friends and family prayed for and with us, for which we are forever grateful. Each and every phone call, face book note, etc.. gave us encouragement and strength we needed to make it through! Even things like free coconut oil and make-up will never be forgotten. :)
Through this scary and difficult trial, I realized just how very rich we really are.

I'm so glad he found a job and I will continue to pray for you guys during this season of changes. But it makes us realize what we truly need and what is just the "filler" that we think we have to have.
Blessings and thanks for the prayers during our time of need.
I miss you! You'd be so proud of me with the new healthy/organic lifestyle. I've all but ditched all the other junk and I LOVE it. I can't believe how much better I feel and how little I miss it. I haven't had a Coke in 3 weeks (going from 3 cans a day to 0). The thought of one makes me sick! Anyway, I think of you often and wish you were closer.
Much love,
Oh, how wonderful about the job! It sounds like your family blessed by many people. I am encouraged by your faith. Thanks for sharing from your heart.
I think that you have been very blessed that he was only without a job for TWO WEEKS. That's pretty impressive on his part. With the job force being cut the way it has, it's pretty competitive. But then who wouldn't hire Mark? Have you met him? He's amazing!
Spoken like a true kid sister.
You guys are so fortunate to have only been out of work for a couple of weeks! I am so glad I don't have to worry about ths one anymore. Seriously, I thought about you guys nearly every day!
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