Sunday, February 15, 2009

My Valentines

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The Ragamuffins made Valentine cookies on Friday. All natural, organic, wheat sugar cookies from a box--$.99 after Christmas special. Really, they were very tasty!!

For the past decade, I have made Taco Heart Ring for Valentine's Day. It is a yummy Pampered Chef Recipe. That heart coffee mug in the center of the Taco Heart is old!! Mark gave it to me on our very first Valentine's Day in 1995. (Look familiar, Vicki??)

My two handsome boys got haircuts on Valentine's Day. One wasn't too happy at first, but I think he is okay now.

My poor Sweet Sue has been a bit sick for the past couple of days, but she still didn't mind posing with her Mama!

Last but not least--me and my sweet Valentine who gave me that lovely heart mug!!


T-Bone said...

Oh no! Where did their hair go?!?!

not up to code said...

I'm just happy to be a part of the Valentine mug story that is holding this beautiful marriage and family together. I do what I can.

And I like the hair cuts. Now, I know Mark has a thing about hair but there is no need to pass on to the next generation a father's deepest and most secret fears about going bald to his sons. Stop the maddness!!


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