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I have had better days. The kids have had slightly runny noses, irritating, hacking coughs, and low grade temps all week. Sick enough to not be able to play outside but feeling well enough to still have plenty of energy. :( Shiloh was sick enough to wake me up at all hours of the night but well enough the next day to be a constant pest to her brothers. The sibling rivalry had my blood boiling and my nerves about to explode off the face of the earth!! The kids just seemed to be talking back more, whining more, and irritating me more than normal. It seemed like all I was doing was disciplining instead of enjoying my kids. By the time Friday rolled around I was just ready to give up. (It might be appropriate to insert here that I didn't have any
good hormones left this week either, which never helps the sticky situations.)
I really do love being a sweet Mama, so I truly tried to redeem the failure of a week by doing some fun things with my kids. The day still didn't turn out perfectly, but we did manage to squeeze in a few happy moments.

Shiloh having fun making ink blots
Mullin helped make a home made apple crisp. He found the recipe in a book about Tennessee. He's been working on a research paper about his home state all week.
We ended the day with a game of Snorta given to us by Pa and Cece. It was the first time we played, and it turned out to be a real hoot!! I highly recommend it if you need a good reason to laugh!
Daddy picked a dog---what was your sound again?
Some serious belly laughs!!
We tried to include Shiloh the best we could, but she really isn't old enough to play yet. She had fun setting up the animals and barns.
Let's hope next week is much better...
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