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He begged. He pleaded. All for a cheap, chocolate bunny. So, I stuck one in his basket. And he was happy. I wouldn't be able to afford the kind of chocolate bunnies I'd eat.
Can't do for one without doing for the others, so everyone got a bunny. ~ Yippee ~

I found the cutest micro-gumball machines for a buck.

My beautiful, butterfly-fairy princess. :) (Who looks this good at 6 in the morning.) I think I'd have to throw the camera in the toilet if anyone even thought about taking a picture of me that early!

My three Easter blessings! And two of them even gave up t-shirts just for me on this special day. And they are even smiling in this sweet picture. Thanks kids!
(I truly know Jesus doesn't care if we have new clothes, old clothes, nice clothes, or even dirty clothes to wear on Easter, or any day for that matter.)
Anyway, glad they appeased me with the polo shirts.

Shiloh's the only one wearing something new! Thank you Grandma Honey ~ she loved it and looked adorable!
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