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Well, here we are. It's the Thursday after Thanksgiving and I promised to tell you about how Thieves® remineralized my son's tooth. So, without further ado, here is my first Thieves post. :)
Because of all the teeth issues, nightmares really, I have had all of my life, I have been crazy insane about the health of my kids' teeth. When my kids were toddlers, it was completely normal for them to have their teeth brushed 3 times a day everyday! (By the time #3 arrived, I may have just brushed twice, though. Exhausted mom syndrome!) I am sure I flossed their teeth a few times a week, too. For an entire decade of being a mom, my kids remained cavity free. But, that was about to change. :(
I was told on our regular 6 month checkup about 2 years ago that my middle son had a small cavity forming in a permanent molar. Great, I thought. I didn't want any of my kids to go through what I went through, which I will explain in much further detail for next week's "Thievesday." Anyway, the dentist said she'd watch it, so I guessed it wasn't big enough to fill yet. I was so glad, because this gave me an opportunity to try out an all natural product on my son's tooth -- Thieves®.
I had heard about Thieves® from a bloggy friend who told me it was great for teeth after I wrote a post about the two root canals I had to have since moving to AZ. I had wanted to give it a try then but didn't want to spend the 30-something dollars on a bottle of it. To make a long story short, I met a homeschool mom about 3 years ago who distributed Young Living essential oils. I was so surprised to find out that Young Living was the maker of Thieves®!!! Providence? I sure thought so. :)
So, when my son got his first cavity, it was such a blessing to have this product to try on my son's tooth! He immediately began using the oil by rubbing about one drop on his tooth every night before bed. He didn't dilute the oil, just used it straight. Thieves® is pretty potent as it has cinnamon and cloves in it, so if you try this be careful! One drop will do the trick. He did this everyday until his next 6 month checkup. I was nervous!!!! I did NOT want him to have to get a filling.
The dentist never said anything. Didn't mention a thing about the small cavity she'd seen at the previous appointment. So I didn't say anything either. I figured that no news was good news. I told my son to go ahead and keep using Thieves® like he had been until the next appointment.
Six months later (one year since the original cavity diagnosis) a new dentist was examining my son, and she didn't say anything about a cavity either. This time I decided to ask about it. My curiosity was getting the best of me. I explained the situation, and she promptly pulled up his year old x-rays and put them on the screen right next to the x-rays from the present appointment. Sure enough the old x-rays showed a small cavity, and the new x-rays . . . well, nothing!! Let me just say, the dentist was quite astonished. She said it was rare for a tooth to remineralize and asked if we'd been doing anything special. So, I told her about Thieves®. She was amazed and even got pen and paper to write down everything I was telling her. Basically she said to keep up the good work. :)
I was one happy mama!!! Thieves® kept my son from having to get a cavity filled.
He actually had a dental checkup today, which I think has been 2 whole years since the cavity diagnosis, and NO CAVITIES! A 30-something dollar bottle of Thieves® is definitely worth EVERY penny if it keeps my kids from having to get fillings. Plus I use it for so many other things, too.
Next week I will elaborate and share how it has tremendously helped my own fragile teeth. See you next week!
1 comment:
Nice information about Tooth Re-Mineralization
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