I have fond memories of playing Boggle with her when I'd visit her in the summers. (I now only live 30 minutes away, yea!) I'd get my little ones put to bed and we'd stay up playing Boggle. We'd play while they napped, too. We even figured out a way to shake the letters without making too much noise. :)
So, my hubby, knowing how much I used to enjoy Boggle, introduced me to Wordament. And, yes, he was right; I liked it and quickly became addicted. You gotta love a game when you can beat your spouse at it, right?
My goal for Christmas break was to make it in the top 15. The top 15 are always displayed after every game. Y'all, I was 1 point away from 15! Oh, how it broke my heart. Not really, but it did kind of stink.
Now that school is back in session, I don't have much time for Wordament. I play every now and again, and I've gotten close to 15 but still haven't achieved my goal. I guess I should just be content with making it to #16 out of 1,885 people, huh?
My proof. ;) Glad hubby taught me how to take a screen shot with my phone!
Anybody else play Wordament?
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