New Liberty Videos sent Schoolhouse Review Crew Members several different DVDs to review:
*Anthem for a Nation
*The Forbidden Book
*Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls
*A Nation Adrift
*Teaching Origins Objectively
*Warriors of Honor
*The Forbidden Book
*Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls
*A Nation Adrift
*Teaching Origins Objectively
*Warriors of Honor
Our family received Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls.
Details At a Glance
Cost: $19.95
Length: 1 hour
Age Range: General audience, but I would say interest level would be for ages at least 12 and up.
About Mysteries of the Dead Sea Scrolls DVD
This DVD is comprised of three parts: Dead Sea Scrolls, Hebrew Word Pictures, and The Forbidden Book.
Part 1: Dead Sea Scrolls
Ever wondered what the greatest archaeological discovery of all time is? Well, during this first lecture, Joel Lampe discusses just that - the Dead Sea Scrolls. Jam-packed with geographical, historical, and scientific data, he explains why the scrolls are in 19,000 pieces and how they are reassembled into about 800 scrolls. It's taken some pretty neat technology to be able to do all of that! He reveals what percentage of the information in the scrolls is actually Scripture, the languages in which the scrolls are written, and the different types of materials on which the scrolls are written.
You will learn about the caves in which the scrolls were found and which cave is the most important. You'll also discover which Old Testament book was the only one not found, what other kinds of useful information are contained in the scrolls, why they were left in the caves never to be retrieved by their owners, and more.
Ever wondered what the greatest archaeological discovery of all time is? Well, during this first lecture, Joel Lampe discusses just that - the Dead Sea Scrolls. Jam-packed with geographical, historical, and scientific data, he explains why the scrolls are in 19,000 pieces and how they are reassembled into about 800 scrolls. It's taken some pretty neat technology to be able to do all of that! He reveals what percentage of the information in the scrolls is actually Scripture, the languages in which the scrolls are written, and the different types of materials on which the scrolls are written.
You will learn about the caves in which the scrolls were found and which cave is the most important. You'll also discover which Old Testament book was the only one not found, what other kinds of useful information are contained in the scrolls, why they were left in the caves never to be retrieved by their owners, and more.
Part 2: Hebrew Word Pictures
In this talk, Dr. Frank T. Seekins explains how the ancient Hebrew language is constructed and shares what makes it different from every other language. He gives several examples of Hebrew word pictures that depict truths found in the Bible and demonstrates that ancient Hebrew is a meaningful, relationship based language.
In this talk, Dr. Frank T. Seekins explains how the ancient Hebrew language is constructed and shares what makes it different from every other language. He gives several examples of Hebrew word pictures that depict truths found in the Bible and demonstrates that ancient Hebrew is a meaningful, relationship based language.
Part 3: The Forbidden Book
Dr. Craig Lampe takes viewers on a quick journey back in time to the Dark Ages during his presentation. After covering a brief history of leadership and spiritual oppression at that time, he talks about a few courageous men - Erasmus, John Wycliffe, Martin Luther, and William Tyndale - who no matter what the cost, dedicated their lives to preserving the Bible and sharing the Gospel with all people.
I was a little disappointed after watching this DVD with my whole family. It didn't meet my expectations. The production quality wasn't very impressive, but I guess that's because judging by the cover, I thought it was going to be more like a documentary instead of brief lectures. Illustrations, photographs, and maps were used during the lectures which did help the overall quality.
While some of the information was very interesting, it felt like the speakers were trying to pack in too much information in a short amount of time. It was easy to get lost, especially in Parts 1 and 3. Part 1, according to my husband, sounded a lot like a presentation you'd sit through at a museum. Parts 2 and 3 reminded us a little of infomercials since after these presentations there were advertisements for products pertaining to the talks we'd just listened to. After Hebrew Word pictures, the product advertised looked like a DVD. I am not sure if that DVD contained additional information or if it was the exact same presentation we'd just heard. After The Forbidden Book, the product advertised was a book called, The Forbidden Book. Again, I am not sure what was different about the information within except for the fact that the book comes with original pages from the Geneva Bible.
The presentations in and of themselves were OK but didn't feel complete, especially the last two. It seemed like we were only getting summaries of the products that were being advertised. Now having said that, we did learn some new things, especially in Hebrew Word Pictures. My interest has been piqued to find out more on that subject when time allows. We were only give a few examples of how the language works, so it whet my appetite but didn't satisfy it.
Though my 9-year-old patiently and quietly watched the DVD, I know she had a hard time keeping up with the fast paced presentations. Plus, a lot of the information was over her head and didn't keep her interest. Although both of my boys (12 & 15) like learning about history, they didn't like the DVD format. Like me, they would have preferred a documentary presentation. Plus, I think my boys were a little bored since they've already learned about a lot of the information in history. I really thought the DVD was going to be a documentary that brought the material to life, sort of like an icing-on-the-cake kind of product.
If you aren't really familiar with the subjects of these lectures, this may be a great introductory tool for you and your older children. I wish, though, that I'd picked a different DVD from the list. If you'd like to check out the other DVDs with me that the Crew reviewed, click the banner below.
The presentations in and of themselves were OK but didn't feel complete, especially the last two. It seemed like we were only getting summaries of the products that were being advertised. Now having said that, we did learn some new things, especially in Hebrew Word Pictures. My interest has been piqued to find out more on that subject when time allows. We were only give a few examples of how the language works, so it whet my appetite but didn't satisfy it.
Though my 9-year-old patiently and quietly watched the DVD, I know she had a hard time keeping up with the fast paced presentations. Plus, a lot of the information was over her head and didn't keep her interest. Although both of my boys (12 & 15) like learning about history, they didn't like the DVD format. Like me, they would have preferred a documentary presentation. Plus, I think my boys were a little bored since they've already learned about a lot of the information in history. I really thought the DVD was going to be a documentary that brought the material to life, sort of like an icing-on-the-cake kind of product.
If you aren't really familiar with the subjects of these lectures, this may be a great introductory tool for you and your older children. I wish, though, that I'd picked a different DVD from the list. If you'd like to check out the other DVDs with me that the Crew reviewed, click the banner below.

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