Okay, so here is my first "Why Wednesday"...
Why in the world do some people put magazines or any reading material for that matter in their bathrooms?
In my opinion this is not the place for those items. Unless I am in the shower or blow drying my hair or putting on makeup I do not want to linger in this particular part of the house. Ya know those In and Out burger joints? Well, that is how I want my bathroom to operate--In and out!!!
Also, I don't think I want to touch the magazines in someone's bathroom either. No way, gross. I really hope that the folks who do read in bathrooms read their own material and not the library's. Hmm, maybe I should start disinfecting all those library books we check out!
I always disinfect all library books that I bring home. Those things are just nasty! I do have a bit of a Germ disorder so mabey i'm the only one who does that.
No you are not-- I have done it but I don't always do it. We check out a lot of books. I bet you loved our last science experiment, huh?
Well thanks for your post in my candle contest! I wanted to wish you luck.
Now that I have read a few posts at your blog I am just tickled. You live in AZ! I was born and raised there until about three years ago. My sister's name is Autumn...just so neat!
I will be adding you to my blog list!
I like your "Why Wednesday". I might even steal your idea for my blog.
So, I consider myself a justified germ-o-phobe. I wouldn't touch the reading material in someone else's restroom.
Here is a tip for ya: always close the lid before you flush. The swirling, rushing water spews germs allover the bathroom including countertops and what ever might be laying on the countertop (ie toothbrushes!).
It's our rule. Should drive Mark crazy! Thank me later.
My pet peeve is the lid. Close it when flushing (for reasons mentioned by the wise Code Guy, & keep it closed until it must be used again. It's a germ pit & certainly not an attractive object to have to look into.
That is definitely the rule at our house, unfortunately for some reason little people in potty training love to SEE what is being flushed!!! Lots of floor mopping with boiling water and tea tree oil will hopefully keep the germs away!
Well, let's see ... as for the first question 'why?'... how shall I put this without sounding 'indelicate?' From another viewpoint - when you're young and vibrant and physically top notch and things are all working like they should, 'in & out' most definitely applies to bathroom visits. As time passes and things change, well, things just don't always work exactly like they used to and sometimes take a little while longer (or in some cases, a LOT longer). So, to get a realistic idea of the situation, stand in front of a clock and do absolutely nothing for one full minute. Then go for two. Then 3, work your way up to maybe 6 or 7. How LONG does it seem like you've been standing there, doing nothing for even just 7 minutes??? FOREVER! Now, pick up an interesting magazine, one with short articles (not a novel!) and stand there and READ for 7 minutes. Time goes by MUCH faster! Same principle applies in the living room in front of said clock as it does in any room in the house, including the bathroom. So, as you sit and pass a few minutes reading, then hopefully things will 'progress' naturally (albeit a bit slowly) and before you know it, you're up and outta there! :) Now, as far as the germ-o-phobe thing, just make sure that your reading materials are in a far enough away place to be sanitary, away from those aforementioned spraying toilets, or hold fast to the close-the-lid rule and you should have no problem. Remember, some studies have found that most people's bathrooms are cleaner than their kitchens, thanks to all of the sanitizing, disinfecting, germ-killing, good-smelling products we like to load up on!
And that's just my own humble opinion and answer to the WHY Wednesday question.
JG--that was soooooooooo funny!!!
Well, I just didn't want you to think that all of us with reading materials in our facilities just didn't have anything better to do or, worse yet, just loved spending time in our potty rooms!
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