Thursday, December 13, 2007

Baking With Mom

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Last Saturday my mom and I slaved in the kitchen from 7:30-4:30 to bring forth many, yummy, Christmas goodies! Here I am making our traditional Prize Sugar Cookies, and I am holding up 2 very sentimental cookie cutters--they used to be my grandma's. And the apron I am wearing was given to me by my mom after my grandma passed away over 2 years ago. This apron is also very special to me because my mom made it for her mother when she was about 14.

Thanks, Mom for taking the time to bake with me. We really missed not having my sister or my sister-in-law there this year!

While filling the kitchen with sweet smells, we listened to Christmas music and talked about everything, of course. It was a cloudy, rainy, yet very, refreshingly cool day!

Just a photo of some of the fruits of our labor. I actually sent this plate to work with my husband. The only treat not pictured was the amazing toffee my mom made--I wasn't about to share any of that!! In fact, I ate the last piece today! YUM, YUM!

Just a little reminder--vote for my Holiday Cheer picture tomorrow!!! (Only if you think it is the best one, of course.) I could really use the prize $!


Ally said...

Sadly baking was never part of my christmas upbringing! I so admire that in my american friends...but I guess what you grow up with becomes so much easier a part of your own life and intergrated in your family traditions. I do enjoy decorating with the tree and here in Spain navity scenes are a I have two! One of playmobile which is really good for the younger ones and then a cermaic one. I love to bring the reality of Jesus´s birth into decorating!

Knit-Wit said...

Yum! Send some of those cookies to my house! We aren't doing any Christmas baking this year - life is just too busy for cookies (probably good for my waistline, though)


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