Tuesday, January 15, 2008

Just Look At What The Cabbage Patch Kid Has Left Me!

Pin It Now! By looking at the picture you would think that we have a doll that can actually poop. Thank goodness we don't, but my daughter thinks that her fake Salisbury steak is supposed to go in the doll's diaper instead of her oven!


Carrie said...

Ewwww. That picture scared me before I read your caption!

Knit-Wit said...

Too cute! It's amazing what they come up with!

Terri said...

I'm glad you detailed what that was cause it doesn't look like any salisbury steak. So funny!

HONEY said...

Parental Warning! Keep a plunger handy as that salsbury steak can do a heck of a job stopping up your toilet. If she's puttin it in the diaper, it's just a matter of time before she tosses it in the toilet. Hmmm...how do I know these things????...Experience is such a wonderful teacher. LOL! :-)

Ally said...

This looks funny and gross all at the same time..... I like what honey said...and she´s probably right on the money!

not up to code said...

Funny! Are you guys working on potty training yet? I have been waiting until we move but Jack is insisting on trying out the potty.


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