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Mullin just finished reading Homer Price, and chapter three's book report project was making homemade doughnuts. I made up the dough, Daddy cooked 'em in hot oil and the kids decorated. They got the fun part. They actually turned out pretty good--more of a
cakey type
doughnut. Of course I made them as healthy as possible by using white whole wheat flour and coconut oil, but I guess when it's all said and done, a doughnut is a doughnut.

Lincoln got to help decorate, too. But oh goodness, Shiloh was not a happy camper as you can see in photo #1. The rule in our house is: to get dessert, you gotta eat your dinner. I kept pressing her to eat her dinner so she could eat a doughnut, but she just wouldn't. So, yes I made her suffer the consequences. It kills me to see my little Sue cry, but we just can't have a spoiled brat on our hands, now can we? Don't worry the story has a happy ending--she got one the next day.

Shiloh eventually got over her fit and enjoyed watching the boys, and I did even let her decorate one. She just didn't get to eat it. Until the next day.
We make doughnuts when we are camping. They are super easy. You take a roll of cheap biscuits - unbranded work great. You can put a hole in the center if desired, then fry them in oil. You can put powdered sugar, cinnamon sugar or frosting on top. Then you can do the doughnut holes too.
I know you did them for homework but if you want them quick and easy, try this.
Yes, she does not look very happy! Who is that skinny guy at the stove behind her?!?
Oh my. So...I HATE doughnuts. I think I overdosed on the maple frosted ones when I was younger. And of course, now, I'm such a fruitcake about white flour, etc.... But seriously? Whole wheat flour and coconut oil? You are killing me!!!! I MUST try this sometime. Almost makes me want to go to Krisy Kreme!!!!
Eh...ask T-Bone about making donuts at guessing she would put a warning label on such an activity! :-)
Good for you for sticking to your guns! I'll bet she'll eat up quickly knowing that your threats carry weight!
Gotta love homeschool projects - especially when they involve food!
mmmm..... I love homemade doughnuts.
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