I am so glad it's backwards day today because I have a few questions that I hope you all can answer for me!!
1. Has anyone ever used Sheer Cover makeup? I have never been an infomercial type of gal until I bought Pro Active. It has worked well for me, so now those Sheer Cover infomercials keep catching my eye. If you have used it, please tell me what you think!
2. How do I do auto posts and posts that "stick" at the top of my page?
3. Where can I buy inexpensive bows on line for my toddler? I don't like the big, fancy kind--just simple styles will do.
4. I home school and was wondering if you all could help me find a SIMPLE art/drawing program. It doesn't even really have to be a program, it could just be one book. It would be even better if it was something the student could do without my help!! I bought Drawing With Children by Mona Brooks, and I personally just don't have the time to go through those lessons.
Thank you so much for taking the time to answer my questions!!
Visit Rocks in my dryer to offer advice to lots of other moms...
I use BareMinerals and LOVE IT! I highly recommend it. I trapped into going to a makeup party (like Avon) and the girl kept saying "OH Your skin is so wonderful, what kind of make up do you use..is it ***(brand of party)***" I felt sheepish saying, NO i got it off an infomercial and I LOVE IT!
I just got some bows from OopsieDazie.com and I love them. They have spring clips for little girls and barrettes for big girls. They are $2.00 or $3.00 per piece.
For drawing in homeschool we use simple HOW TO DRAW books from the library. Usually my son traces the first few drawings and then he tries to draw it on his own. It works for us!
I have heard great things about Bare Minerals.
I sell basic bows on my website!
As for the art book, I have one here that we love.....Let me run and get the title for you though.
bare minerals is amazing. i use it. and love it. is just a powder. no base. and its wonderful!
I make bows for $3 or 2 of the same for $5 ("needed" if you do pigtails!) :) I can do any style (add $1 for each added ribbon), color, etc.
I used ProActive and Bare Minerals before finding Seriesse. You can check out my site here:
We have THE BEST mineral powder available and our make-up is coming out in the next couple of weeks.
I was just in Queen Creek over Christmas. My sister-in-law lives there. BEAUTIFUL, BEAUTIFUL...but, I REALLY missed the grass and trees! I'm glad I went during the winter...I'd be scared to feel that heat! I love how pretty and professional everything looks...the street signs that light up at night, the commerical businesses that all look the same, no marquees, etc.
I can help you with the drawing program.
We LOVE Barry Stebbing's Art curriculum. We met him in person a few years ago when he was in SD giving classes to a group of kids. He is amazing. His program is easy to use and is designed for self learning.
I just bought my first sets of bows for my baby girl on Etsy. The choices are overwhelming--I found love2sparkle's store and fell in love with the simple and creative designs! This link will hopefully take you to her Etsy store: http://www.etsy.com/shop.php?user_id=5038948
I know this isn't Sheer Cover make-up, but I recently tried Burt's Bees Tinted Facial Moisturizer. I really liked it. Has a funky smell though when you first put it on. But it goes on very light with minimum color. I think there are 4 shades to choose from. I wanted it for weekends when I don't need full-on makeup, but still need some color.
Hi :) I found your blog from a link from another blog... I just started to use Sheer Cover a few days ago and really like it so far.. I needed something!
Our baby girl due in may is going to sport the beautiful name of Autumn Faith!
Good luck with your make-up venture :)
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