Sunday, May 11, 2008

Eleven Years!

Pin It Now! 3 kids, 3 houses, and 2 states later... Here we are.

So far it has been a maze of ups and downs, twists and turns, VALLEYS and mountains, joys and heartaches...but we have managed, by God's grace and mercy, to survive through it all!


Carrie said...

Eleven years?!? No way! That sounds so old!

Brandi said...

I guess I should have mentioned that our anniversary was on the 10th. We now share the same wedding date as Jenna Bush. If only I could have had the chance to tell her not to get married that close to Mother's Day!! I wasn't even thinking about that when I planned my wedding.

Knit-Wit said...

Happy Anniversary! We will celebrate our 20th this fall. I pray you find much joy in happiness in this next decade of married life.

AJ said...

Happy Anniversary (belated)! Sure doesn't seem like 11 years since we were all at Bellevue for your wedding! I have a lovely picture of the event hanging in my hallway! Wish I had a recording of Mark singing that song to you! That was awesome!


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