Thursday, November 20, 2008

The Three Most Despicable Letters in the English Alphabet

Pin It Now! Know what they are?

P,M & S!!!!

Those three little letters, when put together, make me say and do terrible things!! I should get an a in "transfiguration class" because I can turn into a snapping turtle in less than 2 seconds. Give me about 5 seconds and I'm a feisty, mama tiger.

I can also go from one extreme to the other pretty quickly, too. One minute I'm the terrifying, half turtle/tiger thing, the next I'm a defenseless puddle of tears. It's not pretty.

I really do try so hard to not let those dreadful letters get the best of me, but golly gee, I seem to fail every time. It wouldn't be so bad if they bothered me, say, once a year or something but every 28 days or so is a bit much. :(



Anonymous said...

I hope you laugh at this-I have a friend that says they call it PMS because Mad Cow Disease was already taken!

This too shall pass...

Gina in MT

Allyson said...

Love the Mad Cow comment. How true. For the last 3 1/2 years I haven't really kept up with mine until the day Aunt Flo comes a knocking. But Matt always seems to know when she's due for visit. He notices the major moodswings and I think tries to schedule things outside the home. It's funny because I never notice until she shows up in all her glory, then I think, "oh, so that's why I'm acting so crazy."

Hope you feel more human soon! said...

Oooh! I hate those letters...

not up to code said...

I'd like to comment but I am too afraid!

Terri said...

Amen - every 28 days is a big pain!

Anonymous said...

A good serie "PMS prep" :


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