Yea! It is backwards edition for WFMW participants, so if you have a question you hope to have answered, hop on over to WeareThatFamily and ask away.
First, though, I hope you can help me with some writing and agent advice!!
I won't bother everyone with all of the gory details of my writing journey, but here is where I am at right now--I have written two children's, fiction manuscripts and am working on another. I have already sent one off to a publisher, and one I entered in a contest. I am assuming both were a no go. I am thinking at this point it would be better to go ahead and get an agent instead of wasting my time sending unsolicited manuscripts to publishers. The 2009 Children's Writer's & Illustrator's Market book has been my companion and guide for the past year, but what I really need now is some advice from a real, live person who maybe has been there and done that or knows someone who has. (Plus, I am tired of researching endless material on the internet.) Sigh.
Question #1 Do any of you know an agent personally or have any of you worked with one you would recommend?
Question #2 Can anyone give me some advice on writing a great query for a children's fiction book? My only experience is with writing cover letters to publishers.
Question #3 Are there any other resources, besides the one I mentioned earlier, that I should be reading?
Question #4 Is it possible to find new, but reputable agents who are actually looking for work? And where would this info be found?
And finally, if any of you just have general writing advice you wish to give, I would very much appreciate it!!
My ultimate goal is to write novels, but so far I just have notebooks filled with notes. Home schooling takes up most of my time right now, but I have been able to squeeze out a few children's books. Gotta start somewhere, I guess. :)
Blessings to you all, and hopefully I can be of help to some of you and your unanswered questions!!
I'm sorry I have no advice or experience with your question. I hope you find some good answers.
Thank you for stopping by my blog and for the help. Grandpa has offered to buy ProActive. That may be what we do. Thanks again!
What a great looking family you have!
Wow, that is very impressive. I wish you the best as you try to figure out your way into the publishing world.
Thank you so much for the tip on easy lunches. I love couscous, unfortuately we can't find it where we live although we have something similar called millet. I've substituted it before in recipes but do you know much about whether you can just substitute it to make plain couscous?
Wow, I wish I had some good advice but I'm pretty much at the same place you are....except I've submitted to tens publishers for several books. I think an agent is a good idea, I'm going to eventually look for one too.
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