I'm beyond thrilled to have my hubby guest posting today. I may be the one who has lots of words, but my husband is the one who has a way with words.
Be blessed.

"Teacher, do you not care?" - Mark 4:38
Calling Out and Calling On
Note that the disciples didn't call on the omnipotence of their Lord to deliver them from the storm or the omniscience of the Master Teacher to explain the meaning and purpose of it all. No, they didn't call on Him.They called Him out.
In the midst of their trial, they called into dispute the character of Christ. They questioned His heart.
"Master, carest thou not that we perish?"
The irony and ignorance of the question is staggering - that the Savior of the world would be asked if He cared that they were perishing! The only reason He was even in the boat (and in the world, for that matter) was because He cared that they were perishing.
Moreover, He cares that we are perishing.
Perishing in the storms of a broken world. Perishing in the storms of our own making. Storms that seemed to come out of nowhere, and storms that we've watched build on the horizon our entire lives. Perishing in the storms that swirl around us, as well as the storms that swirl inside our own heads.
Pouring Out
Because He cares, as God's children, we have unfettered, unfiltered access to our Heavenly Father. The Bible says that - because of Jesus - not only can we come before the throne of grace to obtain help in time of need, but we can come boldly! Then, in that boldness, we can express to God our doubts and fears and anger and confusion. We can cuss and cry and crawl up into His lap. The Psalmist says we can "pour out" our hearts to Him.This kind of openness and uncensored honesty reveals nothing new to God, but as the words of a wounded heart escape my lips and sting my ears, I am forced to acknowledge who I really am and come to grips with the defiling thoughts that seethe deep beneath the surface of my well-practiced piety and fickle, faddish faith.
A Heart Beyond Reproach
Take it from someone who's learned the hard way. Listen to one who's played the fool a thousand times. Pouring out your heart to God is a good thing, but questioning God's heart for you can poison your soul.Rail against the Lord's methods if you must, but never question His motives. You may have a hard time comprehending His power or understanding His will, but never, ever doubt His love.
The kind heart of God is beyond reproach.
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