When I am in the car with my kids, which isn't a whole lot or anything, I usually turn Air 1 on, and every time the Skillet song, "Rebirthing Now" comes on I turn it up b/c I like it. That is the only time I listen to it since I don't have their CD.

Well, while I am on the subject of Skillet, I guess I will share another story as well. Since I have no fame of my own I am one of those people that have to tell the kinds of stories like I am about to tell...
John Cooper, Skillet's lead singer, went to the Germantown, TN school where my mom used to be a secretary, and she would always talk about the talented Cooper boys. One time I went there to see some kind of talent show or something that John was in--I think he was in 8th grade. After that I begged my mom to get a picture from him, and she did. So, me a silly little middle school kid, carried around a John Cooper photo in my purse. If only I still had that picture!! I had no idea he would become famous!! Man, I could have sold it on ebay or something for a bunch of $! Ha, ha!! Just kidding. My high school friends and I even went to the same church as John for a while. (It wasn't my home church, but a friend's) We also went to see he and his band play a few times (before he got famous), but I have to admit, I was a fuddy duddy even in my younger days and the music was a little too hard for my taste. But I do love his current stuff that they play on the radio. And Shiloh seems to also!!! Maybe Mark can get her to do it on video sometime.
I have another claim to fame story,but that will be for another day...
What a fantastic story! I love that your little darling just belts out Skillet! ME TOO!!!
My kids think I am nuts and I hear all too often, can you please turn that down?
Great claim to fame too. I think it is deffinately worth sharing!
I can not wait to hear more
That girls needs a table and chairs to have her tea parties while she's singing!
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