Truly there was no jiggery-pokery here to incite a bloggy cat fight. It was purely written in a joking manner. Carrie is one of those real-life friends of mine who hopefully sensed the fact that I was for the most part, kidding. Of course I wanted to win--that is why I entered. If I didn't win, then it was my opinion that Carrie should have. I honestly thought her picture captured pure "Holiday Cheer" at its best. Also, one of my very best friends is a HUGE cat-lover, so I never meant ill will towards anyone or their cat.
Anonymous believes I need a slice of Humble Pie for my big head, so I offer my sincerest apology to Amber and to anyone else whom I have offended over my comment.

Wow, almost started a bloggity riot! I knew you were just kidding. And I also know how much you love pets! the new favicon...copycat! Ooo, I mean copyperson so as not to offend any cat lovers.
Ok, I need to stop with the sarcasm and go take a nap!
Don't worry about it. Some people can take offense at anything. I read the comment and it never even crossed my mind that your were being anything other than sarcastic.
Wow! Usually I'm the one getting myself into trouble. Thanks for taking a turn!
My flesh was really wanting to witness a verbal smackdown, but I'm proud of you for handling it in a spirit-filled way.
The problem with e-mails and blog comments is that it leaves out body language - that inflection in your voice or that twinkle in your eye which helps the 'hearer' know the meaning of the words.
You have said it perfectly Karolee!
Oh my! I was coming back to see the fight...err uh, I mean GOOD FOR YOU!
Don't you hate it when you write something and people take it completely different? Of course you wanted to beat the other pics! People don't inter competitions to LOSE! It was a pic of your boys. And a healthy sense of competition. Good for you for not blog fighting. I wanted to fight for you, but I've been gettin yelled at a lot recently, so I figured I should shush.
Thanks for your apology. If I would have had your email address, I would have emailed you there instead as I hated leaving it on your blog for all to see. If it was all in joking, all is good and I apologize for taking it the wrong way. Your picture is amazing...beautiful boys. If I wouldn't have voted for my best friend, I would have voted for Carrie as I thought her picture was amazing. Her girls are stunning! BUT, like your friends here, I always stand by mine, which I am sure you and all your friends understand and appreciate. Hope you have a very Merry Christmas!! LOVE your blog by the way! :)
Wow. I am SO blog UN-savvy, I'm not sure what just happened. I didn't know you could actually have a blog fight! Er..a cat fight?
Am I going to get in trouble now? :)
I sure hope no one ever reads MY blog. It's not very PC.
I'm still waiting to see a picture of your brother so I can compare. But just so you know, I'm pretty sure I'll still think Jarid is hotter. ;)
How are your kiddos feeling? Did you survive the Sunday School germ fest? I'm still trying to nurse my poor, snot-filled children back to health in time for church. Missing two weeks in a row might kill me. Especially when I know worship should be good this week!!!
Not that's it's not good every week.... :)
Okay. That's all for this morning. I need to go make coffee.
I still miss you!
I agree with Karolee. Blogging does not let us hear the sarcarsm in our voices. Sometimes I will say "wink, wink" or something along that line so that others who don't know me as well will understand that I am kidding. Too bad for the misunderstanding.
So, since I'm already at your blog and I'm too lazy to email it to you....
Check it out. It's actually Claymation, where the California Raisins were the main part of it. I love it.
Merry Christmas!
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