If I had my very own genie, I would wish for a beautiful, clear, olive complexion! Unfortunately I must have inherited my Norwegian ancestors' fair, slightly freckled skin. That, coupled with the off and on breakouts I have experienced since I was about 17 make for a not so lovely face. The Maybelline Cover Up Stick has been my companion for far too long!
I am one of those "use as many natural products as you can freaks", so I have definitely tried countless natural solutions to help clear up my skin. Many have helped a little, but not to my complete satisfaction. Just when I was about to throw up my arms in desperation and give up, I decided to beg my husband to buy me Proactiv for Valentine's Day last year. He did just that, and my life hasn't been the same! Seriously, I don't want to sound like a big cheese ball here, but this stuff has been a lifesaver. My skin looks and feels better than it has since I was two. I have been using it for 10 months now, and I am very pleased with the results. Forget cover up, I rarely even wear foundation anymore!
I could go on and on, but I will stop before I bore everyone to tears. I just thought I would share how this product has worked for me because surely I can't be the only 30-something struggling with breakouts. If only I could have had this as a teenager!!!!
For more insightful tips, visit Rocksinmydryer.

Hi, I share your same issue! ugggghh. Sometimes I think that I am the only adult with this issue! I use the generic Proactiv with good success and I am wondering if you have tried it and if you think Proactiv is better...
On another note, I noticed that you lived in TN for a long tome and moved to AZ. We moved from KY to GA about 6 months ago and I still feel miserable.
Thanks for the tip.
In Him, Amy
You are definitely not the only person with this problem. I tried proactiv, but thought it kind of harsh. I now use the philosophy line, it's pretty expensive, but lasts forever.
Where do you find the generic ProActive?
Sarah, I tries to email you personally but it was returned to me. (Sorry!)
I buy it at Meijer or Walmart. I have never used Proactiv so I can't compare but I have look at the products and they are the same. Hope this helps.
Merry Christmas!
I want to try it but I'm afraid it has aloe in it. Aloe makes me itch and burn pretty badly.
My poor daughter suffers from a ton of acne - not only because she is a hormonal 16 year old - but also because it is a side effect of the prednisone she has been taking for almost a year (poor kid). I think she must use this same brand because when she has her make up on (Thank goodness for make up - can't imagine what boys do) you can't see any signs of acne.
The only thing I liked about being pregnant was that my skin was nearly perfect. The baby is 2 now and my face is a disaster once again. I don't buy anything Jessica Simpson promotes on sheer principle. But since you say is works, I may consider it.
Have you ever tried Cod Liver Oil for acne? It works really well too. I used to drink the stuff straight up (yuck) before they put it in a handy capsule form.
I recently read that Tea Tree oil works good for acne. Have you tried that? I have struggled with it since I was 14 or 15.
I tried proactive two different times and it didn't work at all either time.
I just started using tea tree oil two days ago so I can't give promote it too much, however in the two days my skin is getting clearer and softer. I was planning on trying it out on a few things then writing a big WFMW post on in when I can say for sure whether it is working or not!
Thanks for stopping by. I also prefer to shop at super Target, but it's too expensive and they don't have everything I want!
proactive works great! ive used it. of course i also like a good dose of minocycline. i dont like taking meds, but a round of that will keep your face clear for a year!
I share your love of Proactiv. I really feel that the inventors should win the Nobel Peace Prize for ending depression about acne.
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