I think it is safe to say that math is one of my daughter's least favorite subjects. She goes through spurts actually, and right now it isn't on her list of favorites.
I bring out flashcards every once in a while when I think she needs a refresher, but I admit it's a tedious task. I can get a wee bit impatient waiting for her to come up with answers to facts she should already know. Thus, I think it is also safe to say that I am a complete failure in the flashcard department!
Sometimes I turn her over to our current Math curriculum's online drill sheet page, which is helpful and takes the pressure off of me, but it doesn't keep up with my daughter's progress.
CapJaxMathFax™ drills facts, tracks progress, and more!
CapJaxMathFax™ is a systematic program developed by Jack Fretwell that takes the student from beginning to mastery for all four math operations. (+, -, x, ÷) Unique features include:
- Detailed, positive, immediate feedback
- Progress graphs
- Numerical rating score
- Mastery buttons and stickers
- Monitor student progress
- Automatically generates exercises and problems without repetition
- Facts are timed individually, not as a whole set
- Builds fluency with all four tables
There's so much more to this program - for more details visit the website's site map which will direct you to important links, CapJax™ information, and more.
The program is super easy to install, and after reading a few instructions, your child is good to go!

Before beginning the "play for rating" mode, you may want to have your child, especially if she is younger, choose the "keyboard practice" option. Here, your child will not be solving math facts but will only enter numbers shown on the screen. Example: the screen might show 6 = ____. Your child will need to find the 6 on the keyboard and enter it in.
Once your child has practiced and can manage to type answers in 3 seconds or less, she is ready to move on to play for rating. Now she can build her ratings and total T-Score. The T-Score is the cumulative rating for all math types
Be sure to sign in (your child's name), so CapJax™ can create your progress file. Ratings start at 0 for each math type. (+, -, x, ÷) Your ratings climb as you work through each level.
You can choose to work on skills in any order. Once you reach the last level in a skill, you will have a chance to review all the facts in all levels of that particular skill.
For addition and subtraction, a single level is a set of 10 facts. For multiplication and division, a single level is a set of 11 facts.
You should aim for SUPER answers, which are answers you get on the first try in 3 seconds or less.
You are ready to move on to the next level when you finish a level with a score of 100% SUPER.
Once your child has gained a level, she will be returned to the main screen pictured below. Here, she can choose to continue on with the next set of facts, choose a different operation, or exit out of the program.

My daughter will be 7 in June, and she did need some practice at typing answers in 3 seconds or less. You do have the option of changing SUPER answers to more than three seconds, but all progress will be lost from the previous setting. I like sticking with the suggested three seconds since it offers a real challenge.
She's only been working on addition and subtraction facts so far since she hasn't learned to multiply or divide yet. Overall, she's enjoyed this program and likes to report when she's gained another level, however, it's not something she wants to do everyday. It is my hope that she will want to work on her facts a little throughout the summer. Maybe a candy jar incentive will inspire her?
If your child needs extra practice with math facts, you can access a free evaluation which will explain how this program works. If you like what you see, you can purchase and download the CapJaxMathFax™ license (Mac or Windows) for $29.95. The license is good for one year, and you can have up to ten users.
See what other Crew Members are saying about CapJaxMathFax.
Disclaimer: As a member of the TOS Crew, I received this product, at no cost
to me, in exchange for my honest review. All opinions are mine.

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