When I'm trimming trees, pulling weeds, or watering my garden, I always smile when I find a half-buried, faded, beat-up army man.
Remains of days gone by. (Cue tears)
In that moment, that breath of nostalgia, I can almost hear my boys' little voices mimicking war cries, tank explosions, and the fire of gunshots.
It might not be music to every mother's ears, but I have boys. And I have learned that boys play differently than girls!
Even though my boys are a little bit older now (10 & 12), there's been a resurgence of army man action lately, and they came up with a great idea - Make Your Own Army Base.
What you will need:
- cardboard drink holders from Starbucks, fast food joint, etc.
- paint - they used leftover ceramic paint from their sister's art supplies (I would recommend a non-washable type of paint.)
- army man toys - love that they are so cheap!
What you will do: turn drink holder upside down and paint as you wish. Let dry. Play!
My boys had fun, and maybe yours will, too!
Check out other great tips at We are THAT Family. Mommy Monday Blog Hop

My kids would love this idea! Very creative!! Thanks for stopping by our blog!!
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