This absolutely has to be one of my most prized possessions! Now that the quilt is finished, I proudly display it at the end of my bed. :) I first wrote about this quilt when it was in the making, however, the post is not a tutorial or anything.
Tip#1: Even if you don't know how to quilt, save your baby's clothes, blankets, and/or bedding. (You may be able to find someone who can make it for you ~ that's what I did.)
Unfortunately, I didn't save very many baby clothes that my oldest child wore. I wasn't thinking, "Hey, maybe you should save these for a future quilt." I saved a few more baby clothes that my second born wore (both boys so far), but by the time I had my third child (girl), I knew I wanted to save the clothes in order to have a quilt made for me to cherish until the day I die!
Since I didn't have very many clothes from both of my boys, I used their nursery bedding and a couple of blankets to make quite a few of the squares. I had way more clothes than I needed to make squares of my daughter's clothes!
Well, in 2009, four years after my third child was born, God answered my prayers in the form of a dear friend who moved to AZ from CO. She cut out all the squares, sewed all of them together, helped me pick out fabric for the back and edges, and then sewed all of that together, too! AMAZING!!!
Recently, another dear friend who moved here from CA finished the quilt by stitching the batting and fabric together. This quilt is so precious to me and definitely a true labor of love! I can never thank these two ladies enough.
I have a couple of tubs of my kids' clothes that I am saving and adding to each year in order to be able to do this. I still don't know how to quilt, so I am hoping I will again find someone to do it for me. Or, maybe by then I will have the time to learn how to quilt on my own?!
I promise that quilts made of all your kids' clothes will be TREASURES!!!
Join Ben and me for more Q's . . .

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