I personally think it's stupid that anything is written on panties for young girls. Who do they intend read them? Also... I hate the sweat pants with writing on the butt - I don't want to draw attention to my butt!
I guess if I saw the word "juicy" on the backside of sweat pants in size 2, I would be thinking bad diapers are made here. But any older than that and I would be thinking what pervert is getting a kick out of it. I'm still shopping in the toddler girls section of the store, so I have yet to see what is in store for young ladies.
Great Blog!
Merry Christmas!
I personally think it's stupid that anything is written on panties for young girls. Who do they intend read them? Also... I hate the sweat pants with writing on the butt - I don't want to draw attention to my butt!
agh! sweatpants with writing on the butt! I HATE THAT! some people just dont need attention drawn to that area.
Sweat pants with "juicy" written on the back! Very trashy. And they make that stuff for little girls! Don't get me started.
I guess if I saw the word "juicy" on the backside of sweat pants in size 2, I would be thinking bad diapers are made here. But any older than that and I would be thinking what pervert is getting a kick out of it. I'm still shopping in the toddler girls section of the store, so I have yet to see what is in store for young ladies.
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