Mark has already posted about our recent snow fun on his blog anyway, so for all the grandparents who wish to view our precious snow angels, go to his site.
Just so this post can be a wee bit interesting, I will leave you with this appetizing tidbit--
*Up to 90% of all household dust consists of dead skin. Mmmmm.
**No wonder there can be 5,000 dust mites in just one tiny speck of dust. It's and endless feast of their very favorite meal!!!
Too bad I can't upload a photo of those nasty-looking, spider-related, dead skin-eating critters!
I am sure my wonderful, computer-fixing husband will have everything working smoothly soon so I can upload pictures again.
(*Fearfully and Wonderfully Made by Dr. Paul Brand and Philip Yancey. **The Kingfisher Animal Encyclopedia)

"Fearfully & Wonderfully Made" is an excellent book. We've been enjoying Philip Yancey speaking at our church for the past few weeks. He's doing a series on Romans. Very, very good! He even played the Bono clip from his original "grace over karma" interview. Yes, grace is indeed amazing!
thats just gross
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