Tuesday, March 26, 2013

B is for Believe: From Flame to Fire

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 Even though it's a nice word, I didn't quite get why God chose that word for me . . . at first. Being a believer for a long time and all, I wasn't sure if I'd heard right. But I did, and though the word followed me around throughout the entire year of 2012, it remained like a lone candle on a nightstand with a steady, controlled flame radiating just enough light to give peace and comfort. It remained an in-the-back-of-my-mind reminder to keep believing God every. single. day. No matter what.
 That was last year.

 Along with other women from my church, I started this year off with a Beth Moore Bible study (my first one ever.) Coincidentally, the title of the study is Believing God. Oh. My. Goodness. I had no idea that that peaceful, little flame of belief was about to turn into an all-consuming, raging fire!

 Believe is all I can think about now. So much for 2013's word, humility. Hey, I don't mind that word taking a back seat! If only it would go away completely. ;) Just kidding, I am totally dealing with that word quite a bit, too.

Anyway, I am halfway through the Believing God study, and all I can think about is BELIEVING GOD. I love that Beth included a little grammar lesson at the beginning of the study. I've always liked grammar, so I really clung on to this little nugget of truth: the word believe as it is used in Ephesians chapter 1 in verses 13 and 19 have different tenses in the original Greek -- the first reference speaks of Christians having believed. This is the putting-your-faith-in-Christ kind of belief that leads to salvation. The second reference (verse 19) is a present active participle Greek verb. What's so special about that? Well, this particular verb tense means "continually." I guess it might be like our verbs ending in "ing."

So, for those of us who have believed, we are to keep on believing. Sounds simple. Like, duh. Yet, it hit me like herd of charging buffalo. The bright light from this all-consuming fire revealed that even though I say I believe God, my actions a lot of the time don't quite measure up. At times, fear, worry, and stress seem like giant, famished monsters ready to devour my teensy, weensy morsel of belief.

I guess this is where my new word, humility, comes in. I'm not all that. I haven't got it all figured out. This old-timey believer needs a fresh kick in the pants to help me truly live like I really believe God with every fiber of my being, as if my every waking breath depends on it. Cuz it does, really.

Lord, help me to live out a present active participle belief! Help me not to just believe in You but to believe that You are who You say You are, that You can do what You say You can do, that I am who You say I am, that I can do all things through Christ, and that Your Word is alive and active in me!!! (Somebody wants to say "Hallelujah!" says Beth Moore.)  ;)
I am so thankful that my Women's Bible Study group is doing this study! I highly recommend it. I love being able to watch the DVDs that go with it - hearing Beth teach is absolutely amazing. The DVD set isn't cheap, though, so if your church is ever offering this study, don't miss out! All I had to buy was the workbook, and you can even get that on amazon.

Be sure to check out all of the other B's at benandme.com
Blogging Through the Alphabet
Photo credit: Hubby :)

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