Monday, October 15, 2007

Play-Doh Phobia

Pin It Now! As a kid I loved this stuff. Mmm, the salty smell, beautiful, bright colors, and cold dough being formed in the palm of my hand bring back fond memories.

As a mom I hate this stuff. It's messy, especially when boys play with it. It ends up in little pieces on the floor, gets stuck on the bottom of shoes, and gets ground into carpet and into the "straw" seats of my kitchen chairs.

A couple of years ago, after cleaning up a big Play-Doh mess and throwing every last bit into the trash can, I vowed never to let it in my house again! (I know, I am a terrible mother.) Well, my oldest received some Play-Doh from church recently, and he asked if he could have another chance at playing with it. Of course I couldn't resist his kind plea. He used a paper plate and cleaned up after himself! He did a great job, but then his younger brother got a hold of it and well, let's just say the Play-Doh's new home is yet again in the garbage can.

As a Christian, I am supposed to get rid of the stumbling blocks in my life, right? Well, for me Play-Doh is one!!! Maybe I will try again when the weather is cooler and have them use it outside. But as for now, I have a Play-Doh free home!!


Carrie said...

I'm right there with you. Play-Doh is for Grandma's house!

Brandi said...

Isn't all the fun stuff at Grandma's house? Lincoln once told my mom that I didn't do anything fun. Nice.

Knit-Wit said...

Ha! You are not alone! We are fairly Play-doh free around here also. It's a rare day when we get it out to play.

Anonymous said...

when i was a nanny the little boy i kept was allowed to play with play-doh but he i had to cover the kitchen table with a giant black trash bag. and he wasnt allowed to get up until it was time to put it all away.

Bonnie said...

Ha ha ! I hate the stuff too ! One the rare occasion that I do have it in the house ( I make it so often we don't even have any ! ) I make them take a tiny plastic table out in the GRASS and play with it there ! I wasn't able to get it out of the patio once they walked on it ! If it drops into the grass, I can just let the rain take care of it !!!

HONEY said...

Wow - ya'll are tough... personally, I always loved the stuff. It's so cool to see what kids imaginations will come up with. The shapes they make, the colors they come up with. Oh, & the Play-Doh factory with all the cool cutters - that's the best! :-)


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